Monday 14 October 2013

Influential Artists and their Album Covers

Lily Allen's Alright, Still

As we can see from the album cover, Lily Allen is very young and the way she is dressed highlights it. The fact that she is wearing a blue dress with stripes, makes her look young. The trains she is wearing are a sign of a her youthfulness. According to Dyer, the fact that she is wearing these clothes, is a part of her star image. As we know, this not the only way she may look in front of her audiences. This means that although anyone could be like her, she still not accessible because of the way she easily changes her style. The fact that behind we have street style art implies that she is a youthful artist. She is conveying sense of sexuality from the way that she looks at the camera. This is done in order to establish her beauty within the pop-stars and attract a wider range. We can see from the font she is uses, that she is a younger artist. The font used is much more cartoon like what suggests that she is going to appeal to a younger audiences.
We would like to take an aspect of her album cover and use for our artist as well. We would like to convey her sexuality in a way that Lily Allen does herself. The way she looks at the camera conveys her sexuality.
Lana Del Rey
As we can see from Lana's album cover, she is very classy and mature. Although she is young, she has a very sophisticated look. This conveys some of her idea behind the Star Image. Because Lana Del Rey looks into America of early 90th, we can see how it is reflected through the style of her clothes. This is because of the fashion style she is wearing we can come to this conclusion. Because the sky is blue above her we can see how in a way she is representing the ideal world which is opposed to the strictness in her face. The font used for Lana Del Rey is bald and large. this implies that she is al big time star who is influenced by America of 80th-90th. The font itself is very Hollywood like. This tells us where she comes from and we learn a lot about her background which could perhaps influence her music.
We would like to present Rosie in a similar way. Classy sexy young girl who has got organic star image and has got a message to her star image.
Eliza Doolittle
As we can see from the album cover, she is a young girl. Unlike Lana Del Rey, she does not have as much seriousness in her face. This implies that she is a young artist who is portraying so much of her sexuality but more of her party-animal side. The fact that we see classical aspects of London tells us that she is from London herself. We can see that she is a very positive person because of her smile and loads of different colours used on her album cover. The way she is dressed tells us that she is a young independent artist. According to Dyer, this would be seen as a direct attempt to approach her target audience. This is a very effective way to represent her star image which can also help us learn about the artist herself. The font is very much cartoon like as well as Lily Allen's. IT implies that she is young artist and the fact that there is a small airplane presenting her name implies that she is a playful young artist who would appeal to a younger audience.
We would like to approach the album cover task similarly but not in the same way. We would like to put as much information into the cover as possible. However, because our Style Images differ, we might go for an entirely different look of the album. For example, we would probably have darker colours rather than such happy and juvenile ones we see in the cover above.
Little Boots
We learn from the cover that our artists has retro style. From her make-up and hair style we can tell that she is mainly influenced by the 60th fashion. Also, she looks beautiful and makes us feel her sexuality from the way she looks. She looks classy and sure of herself. This shows that she is an independent artist and a strong woman who has got her own free-will and power. We would like to use the same style for our Artist as well. To have her conveying her sexuality and power. From the background we can see different shapes and animations which highlight her uniqueness and individuality. Also the space images behind  her are there to highlight the fact that she is not an easily accessible artist. She is out in the space what reinforces her uniqueness. Her style is very much influenced by the 70th. We can see it from the way her hair is done and bald font style. The font style implies that she is a big serious artist who appeals to an older audience.
Amy Winehouse

As we can see from the album cover, Amy is a young girl who by her star Image conveys senses of sexuality and rebelliousness. We can see from the font used that she also influenced by old vintage American style. This means that we can use her as influence for Rosie May's Star Image. Also from the way she looks at the camera we can tell that her image is also melancholic and mellow. This again highlights her uniqueness. Although some would her as any other female artist, Amy Winehouse is different performer who, according to Dyer, would certainly be noticed as an organic star. She is different from all the other stars because of her grungy sexy look. Nevertheless, she does not lose her femininity and beauty. The font style tells us that she is massively influenced by the 60th. The font and use of black imply big influence from the art-deco style. By her hair style we can say that it highlights the art-deco style and she herself is appealing to a different audience by her individuality and uniqueness.
We would like to use this as an influence for Rosie May's look as well. To make her look different yet, similar to Amy Whinehouse, keep her sexuality and beauty.

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