Wednesday 25 September 2013

Presentation To Luke and Feedback

When presenting our idea of Daft Punk's 'Something About Us' to Luke we were prepared with our powerpoint covering star image, narrative for the music video and influences.

Certain aspects of the idea were altered slightly with the help of Luke's suggestions such as the band's image of being in black suits and futuristic sunglasses was approved and furthered by the added idea of installing a drum kit into the drummer's suit, helping to reinforce the futuristic style we will try to create for the band and their music video.

We were told to research and collect photographs of the type of setting we would want for the band's clinical looking setting to show to the set designer coming in to visit the school nearer the shoot day. This therefore included us choosing flat and long lights for the stage area of the band rather than curved arches of lighting which were previously discussed due to the sheer fact that the more minimalistic a design of furnishing is the more futuristic it appears.

We were also able to establish that the band would have no microphones as the wiring would becoming too complicated to manage on set through out the day as well as the fact that it would destroy the futuristic, simple and clinical look of the band's setting and style.

However, there were certain aspects of the idea Luke picked out and dismissed immediately classing them as impossible without a great amount of money spent on them. For example the prime problem of the video idea is the appearance and inclusion of the robot. Luke mentioned the hazard that the robot may look fake on the shoot day in many ways such as the way in which the person, in the suit, plays the robot character. Also another problem with the robot concept is that we would have no idea of the standard of the suit until it arrived, as well as the added problem of the suit possibly being very expensive if we are aiming for a bespoke robot suit, looking realistic. The idea of the Asamo Japanese robot was mentioned but quickly discarded once we researched the general pricing of one, being far too pricey for our music video budget.

On top of the problematic topic of the robot's attire Luke also mentioned how the feelings of the robot would be very challenging to display and communicate with a full body suit on as well as a mask.

Since the video would be shot romantically, Luke suggested that the video needs more of a build up. Therefore, another idea was added to the mixing pot of the girl creating the robot herself and attempts to teach him to be human. When reaching the end of the video the robot is seen to remain the same whilst the girl grows up, loses interest and leaves home along with her beloved childhood toy. Or perhaps, to create more a climax at the end of the music video, the robot could become suicidal with his owner's constant neglect.

In conclusion, the major problem with the video idea was the robot concept. The robot needs to be realistic and this is only achievable with a high budget to buy a bespoke suit or making our own one. Therefore, our group has decided to abandon the idea due to lack of realism and practicality.

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